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Alle Eulen

Alle Eulen

Filip Florian

Filip Florian gelingt mit diesem Buch ein leidenschaftliches Lob der Freundschaft und zeigt, dass es bisweilen reicht, seinen Blickwinkel leicht zu ändern, um glücklich zu sein und die Fülle des Lebens zu sehen.
Chenzine literare:

Chenzine literare:

Tania Radu

Filip Florian, Toate bufniţele, Polirom, Iaşi, 2012. Din fericire, prozatorul Filip Florian a fost de la bun început iubit de critici, comentat, lăudatchiar şi dincolo de blestematele „tabere“ literare. Mare diferenţăde tratament faţă de Mircea Cărtărescu, ...
Zilele regelui

Zilele regelui

Filip Florian

Filip Florian este autorul romanului Degete micispan style= color: #ce0500; – Premiul pentru „Cel mai bun debut in proza“ acordat in 2006 de Uniunea Scriitorilor din Romania Premiul de excelenta pentru debut in literatura al U.N.P.R. ...


Florian Filip

Baiuteii a fost tradus in Polonia (Czarne) urmand sa fie publicat si in Spania (Acantilado) si Bulgaria (Panorama +).
Little Fingers

Little Fingers

Filip Florian

While a young archaeologist investigates a mysterious mass grave in Romania from which finger bones are disappearing each night, an orthodox monk stumbles into history when he becomes the father confessor of a partisan bent on bringing down ...
The Days of the King

The Days of the King

Filip Florian

. . It s testament to the story s sharp humor and crisp voice even those amorous passages narrated by the cat that the reader lingers in each scene, sharing them with the characters moment-by-moment.
The Days of the King

The Days of the King

Filip Florian

. . Nations are invented and dissolved overnight, kingdoms are for sale, Bucharest grows from a muddy pigsty into an elegant capital city, and love turns everything upside down in The Days of the King.
Degete mici

Degete mici

Filip Florian

Degete mici a fost tradus si publicat in Ungaria (Magveto) Polonia (Czarne) Germania (Suhrkamp) SUA (Harcourt) Slovenia (Didakta) Slovacia (Kalligram) Italia (Fazi) si Spania (Acantilado).
Dita mignole

Dita mignole

Filip Florian

«Una sorprendente storia di guerra, morte, alienazione, politica e singolari miracoli raccontata con una prosa brillante». «Publishers Weekly» «Un’opera prima che si lascia decisamente alle spalle le regioni del realismo piatto e ...
Halebarde, halebarde

Halebarde, halebarde

Jose Saramago

Un eveniment editorial și un proiect literar unic: romanul neterminat al lui José Saramago, care a inspirat texte de Roberto Saviano și Filip Florian. „Bărbatul se numește Artur Paz Semedo și lucrează de aproape douăzeci de ani la ...
History of a Disappearance

History of a Disappearance

Filip Springer

In this collection of unsparing and insightful reportage, the renowned journalist, photographer, and architecture critic Filip Springer rediscovers this tiny town’s history.
Learning to Sail: In Dinghies or Yachts: A No-Nonsense Guide ...

Learning to Sail: In Dinghies or Yachts: A No-Nonsense Guide ...

Basil Mosenthal

Design: Greg Filip and Kara Thomas/PPL Illustrations: Greg Filip and Kara Thomas/PPL and Robert Mathias Photo research: PPL Photo Agency Photographs: Sunsail: 1, 15, 20, 24, 34, 36, 38/9, 40/41, 45, 50, 52, 59, 60, 64, 66. Pat Collenge: 4 ...


Florian Illies

If Florian Illies gave his generation a name in his book Generation Golf, in Local Call [Ortsgesprch] he gives a face to his native land.
omnibeasts: animal poems and paintings

omnibeasts: animal poems and paintings

Douglas Florian

Get ready to bark, purr, and howl the night away with this high-spirited, special-sized gift edition featuring forty-four of Douglas Florian's favorite animal poems and paintings.
Helium und Katzengold: Elementare Geschichten

Helium und Katzengold: Elementare Geschichten

Florian Werner

Florian Werner hat jedem davon einen Text gewidmet und dabei dessen Eigenschaften aufgegriffen; Kurzgeschichten, die in den Naturwissenschaften – Chemie und Physik – genauso zu Hause sind wie in der Literatur.
Anleitung zum Unschuldigsein

Anleitung zum Unschuldigsein

Florian Illies

Ich sollte weniger Geld für Kleidung ausgeben. Ich sollte mehr Obst essen. Ich sollte mal wieder die leeren Flaschen wegbringen. Florian Illies' Buch ›Generation Golf‹ (Band 15065) erschien 2001 im Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag.
Gerade war der Himmel noch blau: Texte zur Kunst

Gerade war der Himmel noch blau: Texte zur Kunst

Florian Illies

Vor allem faszinieren Florian Illies die Maler und die Bilder selbst, Vergangenheit wird in seinen Texten unmittelbar als Gegenwart erfahrbar, unter seinem Blick entstehen bewegte Bilder in Farbe, werden aus historischen Figuren ...
Haase, AStG/DBA

Haase, AStG/DBA

Katharina Becker

Katharina Becker Florian Haase. Art. 6: Art. 7: Art. 8: Art. 9: Art. Art. Art. Art. Art. Art. Art. Art. Art. 10: 11: 12: 13: 15 und 16: 17: 18 und 19: 20: 21: Sylvia Galke / Prof. Dr. Florian Haase, M.I.Tax Rechtsanwältin, Steuerberaterin, Deloitte & Touche ...

who called from an unknown number?